William Shatner addresses the Creation Entertainment Star Trek Convention in Seattle, WA. August 25, 2013. Photo ©2013 by Daniel W. Rasmus. Leadership Lessons from a Star Trek Convention Star Trek conventions are not just places to dress up in your favorite Star Fleet uniform, don a t-shirt adorned with a favorite catchphrase, character or ship, or wait in long lines to … [Read more...] about Leadership Lessons from a Star Trek Convention
How to Design a Meeting The DOs: 13 Rules That Create The Best Meetings Ever
Here is a follow-up to the Infographic How to Design a Meeting in a collaborative work environment. This installment focuses on what to do when planning and running a meeting in a collaborative work environment. Here is a link to the DON’Ts. Work with attendees to co-create a prioritized agenda so everyone understands the purpose of the meeting, their role in it & what … [Read more...] about How to Design a Meeting The DOs: 13 Rules That Create The Best Meetings Ever
Eliminating Your Company’s Fear of Change
This post has been updated to include COVID pandemic perspectives. Eliminating Your Company's Fear of Change It's time to argue with bloggers over at Harvard Business Review again. In Cure Your Company's Allergy to Change, Brad Power discusses how to break the cycle in the failure of change programs. Let me just focus on the list at the end of his post, which starts … [Read more...] about Eliminating Your Company’s Fear of Change
Making Sense of Strategy
Making sense of strategy: Explore this insight post from Boston Consulting's Martin Reeves at HBR: Does Your Strategy Match Your Competitive Environment? Organizations don't perceive their position correctly against the competitive landscape. Key insight is here: These distinctions are so important because the four different strategic environments require four different … [Read more...] about Making Sense of Strategy
How to Unshackle Yourself from E-mail
On this Harvard Business Review blog this morning, Daniel Markovitz, wrote a piece titled: How to Break Free from Email Jail. I appreciate Daniel's manufacturing analogy of creating a pull system for information. His designs make sense. However, what Daniel doesn't acknowledge is that outside of manufacturing, most organizations don't run like manufacturing floors. … [Read more...] about How to Unshackle Yourself from E-mail