The focal question in scenario planning acts as an anchor and as a fence. It anchors the project so that people are clear about what they are solving for. “The future of learning” will pull in dialog about learning, acting like gravity, placing appropriate ideas, concepts and evidence in orbit, while material not related to the question floats off. Focal question as … [Read more...] about How to Write a Good Scenario Planning Focal Question
Scenario Planning
How to Think About Voting For Uncertainties in a Scenario Planning Project
Voting for uncertainties in a scenario planning project is counterintuitive and sometimes overwhelming. The list of items arrives for consideration from interviews and research in which the people voting didn’t likely participate. That means that people voting need to familiarize themselves with the items on the list. Outside-In Thinking More importantly, there is a key … [Read more...] about How to Think About Voting For Uncertainties in a Scenario Planning Project
Working in an Aging Country: Learning from and Teaching Older Workers
Learning from and Teaching Older Workers According to the OECD the aging US is at risk from antique policies and prejudices that fail to appreciate the benefits of a workforce of experience. It is past time that we learn to appreciate the contribution of older workers, and that we create policies that can leverage the knowledge and understanding of this segment of the … [Read more...] about Working in an Aging Country: Learning from and Teaching Older Workers
Scenario Planning: Challenging Assumptions and Belief
Scenarios ask people to challenge their assumptions. Assumptions are a form of belief. Organizations and individuals assign values to uncertainties. The accumulation of these values become the basis for what I call the "myth of the future," that narrative construct that people carry around with them that forms their belief about what the future will look like, even as they … [Read more...] about Scenario Planning: Challenging Assumptions and Belief
It’s Time to STOP Talking About Company Culture
It's Time to STOP Talking About Company Culture From my November 2013 Newsletter: Over the last month, I keynoted the Chief Learning Officer Symposium and KMWorld. At both conferences, many speakers talked about the need to evolve, shift or otherwise change company culture. In some cases, the shift was to support collaboration, in others knowledge sharing, and in still … [Read more...] about It’s Time to STOP Talking About Company Culture