Some organizations don't plan at the speed of change: “Dan, our strategic plan is about to expire. Can you come and help use create a new one?” I get than phone call pretty often. My first statement is “sure,” followed by, “I do have to warn you that if you work with me, your strategic plan will never expire again.” I believe organizations should plan at the … [Read more...] about Time to Plan at the Speed of Change.
Strategic Planning
Scenario Planning: Challenging Assumptions and Belief
Scenarios ask people to challenge their assumptions. Assumptions are a form of belief. Organizations and individuals assign values to uncertainties. The accumulation of these values become the basis for what I call the "myth of the future," that narrative construct that people carry around with them that forms their belief about what the future will look like, even as they … [Read more...] about Scenario Planning: Challenging Assumptions and Belief
The Tens—Strategic Planning Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
The Tens—Strategic Planning Mistakes & How to Avoid Them Download The Tens—Strategic Planning Mistakes & How to Avoid Them PDF here. Gathering the Wrong Data Too often organizations want to look deeply at their history in order to project forward. This is almost always a waste of time. The world changes too often to spend time on what the organization looked … [Read more...] about The Tens—Strategic Planning Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
Interesting thoughts on Scenario Planning from Branden R. Williams
Following Harvard Business Review's recent article by Angela Wilkinson and Roland Kupers, “Living in the Futures,” several bloggers have jumped in to comment on scenarios. Here is the take by Branden R. Williams, with an information security twist. This post demonstrates how much of what we take for granted actually resides in the realm of uncertainty. We need to do the same … [Read more...] about Interesting thoughts on Scenario Planning from Branden R. Williams
LEGOs, Scenario Planning & Asia
A Commentary on Forbes and Scenario Planning Here is another article, this time from Forbes (Can LEGO Snap Together A Future In Asia?), that cast doubt on the effectiveness of scenario planning in make strategic and tactical decisions. Scenario planning is just a tool, but it can provide great insight. As both a scenario planner and an analyst of knowledge … [Read more...] about LEGOs, Scenario Planning & Asia