Cover image by Daniel W. Rasmus for Serious Insights LLC. ©2023 Daniel W. Rasmus.
Fametek Star Trek™ Borg Bube Bluetooth® Speaker

A fun addition to any Star Trek collection, the Fametek Star Trek Borg Cube Bluetooth Speaker offers a glowing experience and enough audio oomph for basic entertainment needs. This won’t be your primary Bluetooth speaker, but it will be the one most focused on attaining attention.
Fametek Star Trek Borg Cube Bluetooth Speaker Review
Fametek created yet another must-have Star Trek fan gadget that will prove a must-have for fans. Star Trek™ BORG CUBE Bluetooth® Speaker with Green Illumination, Sound Effects & Borg Quotes, as it is called on their website in all its SEO glory, is a fun addition to any Star Trek collection, but don’t buy it as a primary Bluetooth speaker. As a Borg Cube with a Bluetooth speaker, however, it’s just fine and will delightedly stream Andrew Allen’s “Smooth Federation” jazz album all day on a loop.
The Fametek Borg Cube Bluetooth Speaker
Strength is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. We wish to improve ourselves. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.
What we like
- Fun
- Feels like Trek
- Cool lights
- Easy to use

First of all, it’s a frickin Borg Cube. For many Star Trek fans, that’s enough: a Borg Cube that talks and lights up, even cooler. And it’s a speaker! Wow. And it’s only $69.99.
So, for many, that will be enough, but there is more to be said and some recommendations for Fametek as it assimilates more licensed market products.
A single button on the back controls power and play/pause. It is also the trigger for Borg sound effects and pairing. The button is highlighted with a red sticker to ensure it can be found among all the Borgy do-dads on the model. A serial number label also sits on the back of the device.
With Borg Cube, Fametek has modernized its charging interface with USB-C.
Turning on the Cube puts it in pairing mode, which attaches to a target device like any other Bluetooth speaker. Pairing is confirmed with a Borg computer beep.
During operation, pushing the button rotates through the following phrases and sounds:
- Cutting Beam
- “We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own”
- “Your culture will adapt to service ours”
- “Strength is irrelevant”
- “Resistance is futile”
Power on results in a Borg Cube flyby sound.
Locutus/Picard says, “You will become one with the Borg” when powering off the unit.
Owners may choose a silent Borg Cube, employing it as a light rather than a speaker.
Those are the features of the Borg Cube on its relentless quest to sit on a shelf where no Borg Cube has sat before.
And that’s its first job. To look cool and give a demo just long enough, so the non-Trekkers in our lives can genuinely smile without being annoyed.
What could be improved
- Mediocre sound
- Could be bigger
- Would love more sound effects
Given the disparity in size between a Borg Cube and a Galaxy-class starship, I was hoping for a little more volume in the 4.5″ x 4.5″ scaled replica. I know it’s a toy, but it’s a toy that may sit next to the great Enterprise-D Bluetooth Speaker, also from Fametek, and, well, it doesn’t look all that menacing in its diminutive size. Use forced perspective when taking photos of the Borg “in action.”

I would also like to hear more depth from the speaker. I compared it to one of our best-reviewed Bluetooth speakers, the Cleer Scene, and the difference in sound quality was immediately noticeable. The Enterprise-D Bluetooth speaker also warps in with a richer sound profile. Tinny is the only word I can use to describe the sound. Now, that may be intentional, as the Borg were a little more treble than bass, and we all know they completely lacked midtones.
For most people, the Fametek Star Trek Borg Cube Bluetooth Speaker won’t be their only Bluetooth speaker, so keeping with the fun, the sound isn’t really the point, but coming from Massive Audio, I do expect more depth of sound.
On the sustainability front, I would love to see Fametek adopt less plastic in their packaging, and what they use should be recyclable.
Fametek Star Trek Borg Cube Bluetooth Speaker: The bottom line
The Fametek Star Trek Borg Cube is a fun collectible and an OK speaker. Every Star Trek fan will want one. If you have $70 to spare, you should fulfill your desires, if not, at least put it on your public Amazon shopping list…the holidays are coming.
Star Trek Borg Cube Bluetooth Speaker
Smooth Federation CD
Fametek provided the Fametek Star Trek Borg Cube Bluetooth Speaker for review. Images courtesy of Fametek unless otherwise noted.
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What a fantastic review of the Fametek Star Trek Borg Cube Bluetooth Speaker! Your insights into its design and sound quality really highlight why it stands out among cube speakers. It’s a perfect blend of nostalgia and modern technology. Thanks for sharing such a detailed overview!