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CES 2024 Unveiled [All CES 2024 Unveiled images credit Daniel W. Rasmus and Serious Insights LLC] The Computer Technology Association starts off the CES week with a major coming-out party called Unvei…
CES 2023 Subtle Innovation: Early Impressions of Subtle Innovation Fresh off the CES Unveiled event which highlights innovations from start-ups and major brands, I would characterize what I saw as sub…
A Serious Insights How To: Creating A Maturity Model Assessment For several years I worked with GlobalEnglish, a data-driven English learning company (now part of Learnship) that assessed people’s E…
An Interview with OWC CEO Larry O’Connor on Innovation and Customer Centricity I recently had the pleasure of hopping on a video conference with OWC CEO and Founder, Larry O’Connor. The following …
In a past post I explored into scenarios and innovation in great depth (see How Does Scenario Planning Help Drive Innovation). I was reading a piece in the Financial Times called Another Way of to dev…
The New Vulcan Inc. Holodome at Seattle’s MoPOP Offers Trippy View Into Future of VR Most virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (VR) experiences remain cumbersome. Although headsets have become…
Knowledge and Innovation: 21 Innovation Principles That Benefit from a KM Perspective Knowledge management often sounds like a controlling function, but it can also be a liberating one. Seeking knowle…
An earlier version of this post originally appeared at Fast Company Innovation: More Poetry than Science Practical lessons from 35 years of writing poetry to help individuals and teams deliver more in…
Insatiable Innovation? I was intrigued by the IBM Institute for Business Value report titled Insatiable Innovation. I like the title. America has lead the world to desire, expect and consume innovati…
Ten Innovations That Should Drive Collaboration Technology Download Ten Innovations That Should Drive Collaboration Technology here: This report outlines ten areas of technology innovation led by a …
This post has been updated to include COVID pandemic perspectives. Eliminating Your Company’s Fear of Change It’s time to argue with bloggers over at Harvard Business Review again. In Cur…
Our views of diversity in America are changing, but they aren’t keeping up with the global reality that now faces American companies. Traditionally, diversity-focused on the integration of people fr…
3 Reasons CIOs Need Scenario Planning Scenario planning is the art and practice of imagining multiple futures to create a strategic context for planning and decision-making. Pioneered by Royal Dutch S…
A must-listen interview from Seattle’s KUOW THE CONVERSATION. Reinventing Discovery delivers a highly recommended new way to see science. It hints about how the Serendipity Economy is becoming r…
or Shakespeare isn’t Anonymous In light of the fun, interesting, and I think, utterly fictional Anonymous, I thought I would repost this item from my now defunct Future of Information Work blog.…
Thinking out loud about the pace of change. For more serious insights on innovation click here.…
Photo by Matteo Milan on Pexels.com Lady Gaga Innovation: Ten Lessons Download the PDF: The 10s – Ten Lessons You Can Learn About Innovation by Studying Lady Gaga…
Education Innovation In a society driven by industrial age economics and measurements, it isn’t surprising that we have slowly transformed the first knowledge economy work, education, into a fac…
The European Facilities Management Conference in Vienna featured a student poster contest. I was taken by Tilburg University’s Dorian Teensma’s and his Twitter idea. Unfortunately, I wasn&…
CIO Magazine ran a story this week (July 29, 2010) on six predictions on how cloud computing will change IT, taking it from the hodgepodge of today’s options into the smooth waters of a post-clo…
In July 2011 Wired printed an article titled: The New Way to Be a Fifth Grader, which outlines how the Kahn Academy is changing education for schools and for individuals. I think the simple idea of ou…
Conference presentations are difficult work: take a big, messy concept or idea and distill it down to fit into some arbitrary time constraint pre-determined by the conference leaders. Credibility wane…
Entering Emerging Technology Markets: After reading RIM PlayBook reviews (good summary by InformationWeek) when it was announced, and I think there are lessons to be learned that go well beyond the ta…
Reposted from The Future of Information Work: 11/2/2009 5:28:51 PM It has been speculated recently that technology has significantly contributed to the restructuring of labor markets. Today’s Comput…
The Microsoft Tablet Strategy: Time to Re-examine My first review of a Tablet PC was posted this morning at Tablet PC Magazine. I looked at the Dell Inspiron Duo. The hardware was solid but was missin…
Nokia’s Stephen Elop is getting some grief for his choice of Windows to fuel his company’s new SmartPhones. (see Grief and disbelief greet Elop’s Nokia revolution) Over at HP, …
So Nokia has decided to partner with Microsoft. The details may have changed, but my strategic advice to them remains the same. They need to analyze their strengths against the competitors and combine…
The game show Jeopardy! will host an unusual array of contestants on Februrary 14-16, 2011. Two of the shows superstars, Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter, will be pitted against Watson, an artificial inte…
I do a fair amount of marketing consulting, and we spend hours talking about value propositions. So I thought I would share the value proposition for Management by Design. And today is a good day to h…
I have never worked at a company that really thought about its workplace experience, nor one that encouraged it managers to do so. We praise design in everything else, but the places where we spend ou…
VR Education: Exploring Reasons to Increase Using in Learning As costs for education continue to increase: human capital costs and real estate costs (and its related costs of energy and maintenance), …
Here’s my conclusion: Microsoft argues that its divisions are more innovative together than apart. Kinect presents an opportunity for this cross-fertilization to manifest itself. Perhaps if Micr…
I don’t know if the follow quote from the Bloomberg BusinessWeek article of October 25-October 31 2010 (Being Steve Job’s Boss) will get to you as much as it did me, but I talk about vision all of…
Public Institution Planning and Budgets Planning for the future can seem like a waste of time when just keeping the lights on is a struggle. Budget cuts are hitting many public institutions, including…
At the risk of committing more overthinking of the Grand Challenges for Engineering, I want to take a first pass at discussing what I think is wrong with them in a very specific way, and honing the li…
A response to the Huffington Post piece on 10 Local American Economies That Have Change Forever. City planning. Cities have traditionally been opportunistic. Some entrepreneurs select a city as a site…
Toward new national economic metrics: Housing starts (New residential construction) and foreclosures offer insight into the current economic malaise in the United States. They also reflect an ingraine…
An Approach to Innovative Thinking An approach to innovation…I was asked recently by one of my former Microsoft colleagues to answer five questions about how I approach analysis and solutions as…
Scenarios and Innovation: How Do the Differing Contexts of Multiple Scenarios Help Drive Innovation? When discussing scenarios and innovation, I am often asked how scenario planning helps drive innova…