Tranya Rimor True Wireless Earbuds
A solid investment for those who seek a good listening experience from the most compact of travel companions.
We recommend Tranya Rimor True Wireless Earbuds as a solid investment for those who seek a good listening experience from the most compact of travel companions.

When I first received a review request for the Tranya Rimor True Wireless Earbuds I was taken back to the Star Trek: TOS episode the ‘Corbomite Maneuver’ where Captain Kirk and his away team are introduced by the childlike alien Balok to the drink tranya. Tranya became a staple of 24th century Federation life. It was available at Quark’s bar on Deep Space 9. Alas, I am told by the Tranya PR team the name derives not from Star Trek but from a spin on the founder’s name.
Of course, anyone who sticks a wireless earbud down their ear canal channel’s Lt. Uhura and her iconic earpiece.
The Tranya Rimor earbuds, however, don’t require any type of protrusion, not the balancing dangles of Apple’s ubiquitous Airpods nor the chrome antenna of Lt. Uhura’s earpiece. The near-hidden design does not affect performance. The Trayna Rimor earbuds sound great, usually stays put, and don’t take up much room in a pocket or bag when charging in the included case.
What we like
Tiny. That’s a good term to describe the Tranya Rimor earbuds when compared to any other earbuds in my collection. Tiny, well designed, and feature-rich for the price. The box arrives with three sizes of ear tips, a charging case, and a USB-A to USB-C cable. Tranya built the Rimors around Bluetooth 5.0, greatly improving connectivity and listening distance from the source when compared to headphones leveraging older Bluetooth versions.
Case. Small earbuds should come in a tiny case, and the Rimors meet that expectation. The rounded and pleasingly compact case includes a USB-C charging port—and that means fewer cables as I shift to USB-C on most devices. Magnets firmly snap the earbuds into the charging case to ensure good charging contact.
Touch control. Like all small devices, the Rimor’s rely on touch for control. Those who own more than one personal touch device for their ears may find confusion among the unique touch commands. That probably won’t become a problem for Tranya only owners. A few minutes with page six of the diminutive manual will tell you everything required to operate the earbuds.
Those with poor eyesight should download the PDF version of the manual from the companies website to better read the small type. For translation purposes, think of the “press” instruction as a “tap” and that will improve retention. It worked for me.

Water resistance. With an IPX5 water resistance rating owners may rest assured a little sweat or water won’t turn their roundish earbuds into marbles.
Battery life is good, at about 5 hours a charge. The case delivers up to five recharges, which takes total playtime without need for a direct injection of electricity to 25-hours or so. A 10-minute charge results in 90 minutes of playtime.
Sound. I find the sounds superior to other earbuds in my collection. The 10mm drivers with frequencies ranging from 20-20,000hz handle everything from rock to classical raucously or elegantly. I’m listening to Electric Light Orchestra while typing this. Even though the physical walls in my office aren’t moving, they are in my head, and I’m fully immersed. The bass isn’t as pronounced as some headsets designed for a deep bass vibe, but I’m not seeking a techno or jungle beat to pound my head while I sit typing reviews and reading. Remember you can always invoke the listening device’s EQ setting to change the music profile.
Special features. Share-mode allows another person wears one of the ears buds for a shared experience, a mono mode (with either earbud) joins the Rimor’s expected stereo. The marketing site includes a reference to Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC), which is not Active Noise Cancellation (ANC). ENC simply means that with the earbuds playing music or video sound in your ear you will likely hear less outside noise than without them.
All of this good stuff comes engineered into a device that costs only $79.99 (with retail discounts regularly available).
What could be improved
I found a few issues with the Rimor earbuds, but the issues experienced do reoccur.
First, getting the earbuds out of the magnetic well requires a bit of effort. The smooth edges of the earbuds don’t provide enough surface traction. A minute of fumbling releases them, but some texture on the exposed edge of the earbuds would improve the user experience.
Second, every once in awhile, even when I’m just sitting listening to music, the right earbud will announce its disconnection from my listening experience. Placing the earbud back in the charger for a few seconds, and reinserting in my ear solves the problem. But this should not happen.
Third, falling out of my ear. When I’m moving around, casually, or a bit sweaty from physical work or exercise, I find the adhesion between my ear and the Rimor earbuds proves less than reliable. A couple of times I moved my head and found an earbud flying out of my ear, which makes them a less desirable option, when say, working in the yard. The Rimors would benefit from the inclusion of a set of memory foam tips for extended comfort and for improved fit.
Fourth, inadvertent taps. Sometimes I will readjust fit or attempt to remove the earbuds and find that I’ve executed a tap command. This demonstrates the trade-offs between size and features. Big earbuds with explicit function buttons offer clearer control, but the cost to the design makes that impractical in a device this size. I can suck up a few skips and stops for great-sounding, non-intrusive earbuds.
Tranya Rimor True Wireless Earbuds: The Bottom Line
For $79 you can’t beat the Tranya Rimor earbuds on balance for size and sound. Those seeking active noise cancelation will need to look elsewhere, but that isn’t a feature found in earbuds at this price range.
The negative comments come from leaning more toward perfection than functionality. Smooth finishes, hidden controls—that’s all part of the design aesthetic and the necessary tradeoffs between bigger headphones with more explicit buttons, and small, mobile, and discreet.
We recommend Tranya Rimor True Wireless Earbuds as a solid investment for those who seek a good listening experience from the most compact of travel companions.
Tranya provided the Rimor earbuds for review purposes.
Images courtesy of Tranya.
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